How to change the key fob battery of Model S
The Tesla key fob uses Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy to automatically open and lock the doors when in a close range. The sensors are located at the front doors and the rear bumper, and have a range of one meter (three feet). This range depends on the strength of the key battery which lasts for approximately a year. If the door handles become less responsive when approaching your Tesla, it is time to replace your key fobs battery! Furthermore you will get a screen warning „Key battery needs replacement“.
What do you need?
- CR2032 battery
- a small flat bladed tool (e.g. a small flathead screwdriver)
Follow these 4 easy steps:
1. Open the battery cover
To open the battery cover place the key upside down and locate the small notch in the middle of the fob (next to the „S“). Release the battery cover using the small flat bladed tool.
2. Remove the old battery
Push the battery to the middle of the key or use the small flat bladed tool to get beneath it and remove it.
3. Insert the new battery
Before inserting the new battery peel off the backing if there is one. If you touched the flat surfaces of the battery wipe it clean to avoid a reduced battery life. Align the battery and make sure the `+` side of the battery is facing up. Press the battery into the key until it snaps into place.
4. Close the battery cover
The last step is to close the battery cover. Align the cover, slide it back on the key fob and push down towards the front of the key fob until it snaps back into place.
This video shows how to remove the Tesla Model S key battery: